Welcome to St Cecily’s English Higher Primary School

St Cecily’s English Higher Primary School, Udupi, started by the Apostolic Carmel Sisters in 1959, is a Minority Educational Institution as per the Constitutions of India, Article No. 30(1). The school was granted Permanent Recognition by the Department of Education Government of Karnataka, in 1965 from Standard I to VII and in the year 2022 it was upgraded to class 8. During the academic year 2022 - 2023 the school was affiliated to CBSE Board, New Delhi on 23-03-2023 to start CBSE session from the academic year 1 April 2023.

St Cecila

Principal’s Message

Principal's Message Principal's Message
Principal’s Welcome Dear Parents, Students, and Well-wishers, A warm and hearty welcome to St Cecily’s English Higher Primary School, (CBSE) Udupi. It brings… more…

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St Cecily's English Medium Higher Primary School
Convent Road,
Karnataka 576101

Tel. 0820 - 2524022