
Regular attendance in classes is a must for promotion. A student will not be promoted to the higher class if his/her attendance falls below 80%. Exceptionally valid cases only will be condoned to a maximum extent of 10% shortage.

Leave Application
The leave application should be made on the pages set aside for the purpose in the school diary.

​For every absence, a written statement signed by the parent/guardian is required on the day the pupil returns. If the student is absent for more than three days for reasons of ill health, a certificate from a doctor is required stating illness and fitness.

​A student requiring leave for any part of a day on account of sudden illness or such unavoidable circumstances should obtain the permission of the class teacher and Principal before leaving the school. Absence record signed by parent/guardian shall be submitted the next working day itself.

Applications for leave during the beginning/last few days of any term will not be entertained. If, owing to illness a pupil cannot attend, a medical certificate must be submitted.

If the name of the student is stuck off roll due to any reason, his/her admission entirely depends upon the discretion of the Principal and the availability of the seat. If re-admission is allowed, the child has to pay all the arrears due to the school.

​A student, who arrives late, will require to bring an explanatory note from the parent/guardian. A student will not be promoted to the next higher class if his/her attendance falls below 80%.

Students will not be allowed to leave school premises during the school hours unless parents/guardians come personally to take them home.

​Continuous absence for 15 days from school without permission will lead to the removal of the student’s name from the school register. In such cases, re-admission will be done only after payment of Rs.200/-. Re-admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The school authorities will have full discretion in this matter.

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