For the Parents

  • Parent co-operation is an essential part of running an efficient educational institution. The school needs the involvement of parents in many of its activities.
  • Parents are encouraged to give positive suggestions for the improvements of academic standards.
  • Parents shall not attempt to meet the teachers when a class is in progress.
  • Parents are requested not to allow their ward to bring CDs, iPods, Cameras, mobile phones, videogames or similar gadgets to the School. There will be surprise checking of students and their belongings and if a student is found with any of these gadgets, the same will be confiscated and returned only at the end of the year. Any violation of this rule will attract disciplinary action.
  • Parents and students are discouraged strongly from giving any kind of gifts to teachers/members of the staff.
  • Parents are strongly discouraged from visiting the School Staff at their residences, except in an emergency.
  • Criticism of teachers of the school in the presence of the students should be avoided. .
  • Legitimate complaints should be brought to the notice of the Principal without delay.
  • Anonymous letters/phone calls will not be considered.
  • All dues must be cleared before a student is admitted to the terminal and final examinations.
  • Attending the Parent Teacher meetings as well as other important functions in the school is a duty and service parents owe to their children.


Safety First

  • Parents will keep the child at home when suffering from contagious or infectious diseases.


School Uniform



  • Pupils should on all days wear the prescribed School Uniform which is modest and becoming of school children.
  • The prescribed footwear from Monday to Saturday is black shoes with white socks. However black rainy shoes without socks are allowed during the rainy season from June to September. After September on Thursday white uniform with coloured T shirt, white shoes & socks.
  • It is mandatory to wear the prescribed school uni-form regularly by the students. Any additional like the scarf, burqua, shawl and other objectionable gear are not permitted to be worn with the uniform in the school campus.




School Fees

Fee Structure and Payments

St Cecily’s Eng Pry is a self financing school with no grants from the State or Central Governments. The fee structure is to meet the developmental and recurring expenditure, the major one being salaries of the staff. Salaries, developmental activities and the mounting maintenance costs require substantial sums of money. Obviously raise in fee on a yearly basis to match the current salaries and other costs is inevitable.

Capital Expenditure Fee

Parents need to pay this fees at the time of first admission towards the capital expenditure of the school, as permitted by the State Government to unaided private schools (vide Govt. order No: ED 39 VIVIVDA 99, Bangalore dated 14.3. 2000). This amount is payable through Challan in favour of “St Cecily’s Society,Brahmagiri”. This amount is not refundable, once admission is made.

Tuition Fees

This can be paid in full at the time of admission or in two installments – April / May and September. The school fees will be paid at “Canara Bank, Brahmagiri Branch, Udupi”. Separate receipt will not be issued by the school for remittance made at the bank, the ‘triplicate’ of the slip with the Bank seal will be the receipt for the parents. Parents are requested to retain these for any future reference. Parents should be able to produce the ‘triplicate’ as evidence for having paid the fees in case of any discrepancy or loss or misplacement of the duplicate. Failure to produce the same would be construed as non-payment of fees. The school fees will not be collected in the School Office. Late payments are strongly discouraged as it causes a lot of problems.

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Convent Road,
Karnataka 576101

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