Syllabus and Medium

St Cecily School follows the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) syllabus from KG to Class XII with personal inputs and activity oriented education so that the pupils learn with flexibility and active involvement in the learning process. English is used as the main medium of instruction. National and regional languages are also given due importance.

From the academic year 2017-18, CBSE has introduced remodelled structure of assessment as given below:

Classes I – V : Term I – Portion: From June to September
Term II – Portion: From October to March

Class VI: Term I – Portion: From June to September
Term II – Portion: From October to March + 10% of portion of Term I covering significant topics

Class VII :Term I – Portion: From June to September
Term II – Portion: From October to March + 20% of portion of Term I covering Significant topics

Class VIII :Term I – Portion: From June to September
Term II – Portion: From October to March + 30% of portion of Term I covering Significant topics

Achievement Records will have to be seen and signed by the parents on open house days. The Students’ promotion to the next class will be based on their entire year’s performance.

Nurturing the Tiny Tots

‘Kindergarten’ in the German Language means ‘Children’s Garden’. In this beautiful garden lovely flowers bloom and blossom spreading around the sweet fragrance of their presence, innocence, childlikeness and love.

During the two years when they bloom into beautiful flowers, the staff tirelessly attends to their intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical and aesthetic growth through the choice of subjects taken up with them.

The morning Assembly opens the day to God in fervent prayer and song followed by Rhymes and Jingles and Action Songs in various languages. These warm them up for the rest of the day.

The morning session introduces them to the world of Numbers, the English Alphabet and simple Keep-fit exercises-all made easy to grasp and remember through action songs and interesting stories. The Nature Walk and Environmental Studies introduces them to nature and to the beauty around with an awareness to protect and guard it against any hurt or damage to God’s gift to them. We also want to make them know the beauty of creation and of God’s love for them in providing such a lovely place to inhabit. They have a snack break at 10:00 a.m. for 10 minutes only, where they enjoy the biscuits and water which the children bring from home when they come in the morning. This is the time when they are initiated into good habits of eating, cleanliness, independence, orderliness and discipline, intermingling with others and socializing with their companions. The LKG remains in the Institution during the morning session which is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon.

After the lunch break from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., the UKG, children take a ‘nap’ of half an hour’s duration.

From 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. they are involved in activities improving on their sense of colours, shapes and dexterity of fingers at art of various kinds. They have Drawing, colouring, clay modelling, Copy Writing and Story-telling and Dance.

Children listen to audio-video cassettes which keep their feet tapping in rhythmic steps. P.T. is taught to relax, to increase their power of concentration and to improve their muscular fitness and flexibility. Craft like Paper folding, Finger printing, Vegetable Painting and Paper sticking are taught in the afternoon.

Classrooms are equipped with Smart Class System and good educative C.Ds connected to the lesson are shown to the children during the class.

At the KG level we do a lot of Oral Work and involve children in activities of various kinds that will help in their growth-but have less of written work.

Through these exercises and activities we desire to achieve the Aims and Objectives of our Institution and make attendance in class a joyful experience.

Talent Week is held to discover and develop their talents and skills before the Children’s Day Celebration.

During the Talent Week, competitions are conducted in the following:

  • Telling (Other than from school syllabus)
  • Singing, Drawing, Fancy Dress and Dance.

Parents and Guardians are reminded that without their help and co-operation, not much fruit can be expected in the normal intellectual and cultural development of the child. They are therefore requested to enforce regularity and discipline in their Child’s work and supervise their daily homework.


Evaluation and Promotion

Co-Scholastic Activities: comprise of Work Education, Art Education and Health & Physical Education. These activities will be graded on a 5-point grading scale (A to E) and will not have descriptive indicators unlike the past year.

Discipline: Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Hence, the students will also be assessed for the discipline which will be based on the factors like attendance, sincerity, behavior, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards the school, society, nation and others – a 5-point grading scale (A to E) will be followed.

It is the policy of the School not to fail a student as far as possible. At the same time, a student who has not acquired the necessary skills to study in a higher class may be not promoted.

MCCS is interested in providing additional possible facilities for slow or weak learners to acquire the necessary skills if parents co-operate with the School in this regard. However, the School strongly discourages the practice of excessive home work, rote-learning, special tuitions etc.



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