The Annual Sports Meet of St Cecily’s English Medium Higher Primary School, Udupi was held on 07.11.2023 at the school grounds. The inaugural programme began at 9.00 a.m. Miss. Glancia Pinto, National shuttle badminton player was the chief guest. Joint secretary Sr. Preethi Crasta, P.T.A. Vice President, Mrs Yulun Vidhyavathi, Sr. Therese Jyothi , the Superior of St Cecily’s convent, the heads of all our sister institutions, Fr. William Martis and sisters of the convent were present.

The dignitaries were welcomed with great pomp by the school band. The event started off with the lovely rendition by the school choir paying salutations to the Lord Almighty and beseeching His loving blessing on all. The Principal - Sr. Lathika expressed her words of welcome to the gathering. This was followed by scintillating welcome dance by the students. A grand March past of the 4 houses was led by Head Boy Bradley Vaz and Head Girl, Evelyn Janel.






























As the chief guest received the salute, Mr Jerald Pinto, the P.E.D. of St. Mary’s school, Mr Edwin Mendonca, the P.E.T. of St. Cecily’s High School, Mr Dinesh Kumar Bhat the P.E.T. of St Cecily’s Kannada primary school judged the march past. The chief guest hoisted the flag and announced the sports meet open by releasing colourful balloons.

After the lighting of the sports torch and oath taking, the Chief guest addressed the gathering highlighting the importance of sports and games in one’s physical well-being and also encouraged students to participate.

The audience next witnessed a unique Bottle drill display by students of grades 3, 4 and 5. The P.E.T. of the school, Mrs Jyothi Latha Lobo rendered words of gratitude. Faculty Dinah and Benita anchored the programme. After a short break various athletic events were conducted and winners were honoured.

The day filled with sportsmanship, enthusiasm and memories to cherish concluded at 3.30 p.m. with flag - lowering and National anthem

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